Tim Howe
Partner and Co-Founder
With 25 years corporate finance and investment banking experience in both the local and international markets, Tim has extensive experience in providing strategic advice to families on establishing family investment structures to endure intergenerational wealth transfer, the strategic issues of family business succession and governance.
Tim also has a depth of experience advising corporates, providing lead advisory assistance on mergers, acquisitions, divestments and capital raisings (public and private).
A former Partner of Ernst & Young and a Director of the firms national Corporate Finance Group for six years, Tim has advised a number of leading New Zealand companies on the development and implementation of their acquisition and divestment strategies.
In recent years, Tim has advised on a number of local transactions including, the recent divestments of Christchurch Yarns and Transform Minerals.
Following the Christchurch earthquakes, Tim has worked with a series of international investors to attract needed investment for the rebuild.
Tim is a regular presenter to both national and international audiences on family business succession and the challenges of establishing multi generational wealth transfer structures in an evolving market (New Zealand is considered a youthful market compared with the likes of Europe where businesses may be in the 10th generation).
Tim has worked extensively in both South East Asia and the United States. While based in Asia, he advised energy sector corporates like Singapore Power, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Indonesia), EGAT (Thailand), and while based in Boston, MA, he worked with a series of US based utilities on a range of mergers and acquisitions.
Tim has a Bachelor of Commerce and Management from Lincoln University, and has held previous advisory roles with Navigant Group in Boston US and PricewaterhouseCoopers (Auckland) primarily working in Asia.
Direct Dial: +64 (3) 371-0833
Email: tim.howe@oceanpartners.co.nz